Last Updated on March 17, 2020
COVID-19 and the Homeless in Clatsop County
The following March 17th email is from Michael McNickle, our Clatsop County Public Health Director:
In the case a homeless person is tested positive for COVID-19, we have made arrangements in Astoria and Seaside for their 14 day quarantine after they receive medical care. Meals and medical care while they are in quarantine will also be provided. In the case some suffer from substance use disorders, we are working with Clatsop Behavioral Health to make sure they receive the proper treatments. So, when or if the time comes there is a case of COVID-19 in the homeless population, we do have plans for shelter, food and medical assistance.
Michael McNickle, PhD, MPH, MPA, REHS
Public Health Director
Clatsop County Department of Public Health
820 Exchange Street, Suite 100
Astoria, OR 97103