Last Updated on January 3, 2020
DATE: 1/3/2019 — whoops 1/3/2020!
TO: Friends of the Unsheltered
FROM: Rick Bowers
SUBJECT: Astoria Planning Commission to continue work on emergency shelter code proposal
The APC work session this past December was basically focused on bringing everyone up to speed on the issue. The work on the proposed Development Code updates had been on hold for about a year and a half. I honestly don’t know the current situation but the latest code proposal I have seen would reduce the capacity of the Astoria Warming Center to a maximum of 25 guests (from the current 30 — 35 in an emergency). From my perspective, not good…. I’m also not clear if this issue will or will not be discussed at the January and/or February APC meetings. I’ve attached the December 23rd report from the Community Development department — 2020-01-06 Agenda Packet Dec 23 Community Development Department Report.
My preference is to put this project on hold at the APC until Astoria’s Comprehensive Plan is updated to address homelessness. Here is my letter to the City Council from last year making this request: Astoria City Council re Emergency Warming Shelters.
Things you can do? (1) Write the City Council requesting the Comprehensive Plan be updated before changes are made to the Development Code regarding shelters. (2) Write the APC about the shelter issue. Here is my long letter (I wanted to document everything) – 2019-12-09 APC re temporary emergency shelter. (3) Attend “coffee chats” with any/all of the City Councilors to express your thoughts. (4) Write letters to the editor of The Astorian. (5) …?
In Joy, Rick