Legislation Related to Homelessness
The following are news articles covering legislation specifically aimed to ease or eliminate homelessness. In addition, the League of Oregon Cities published a fantastic guide on the current legal situation regarding public spaces. It’s called the Guide to Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Public Spaces (June 2022 & Updated October 2022). It’s available at https://www.orcities.org/application/files/2316/6698/8851/LOCHomelessLegalGuideUpdated10-28-22.pdf.
The first section covers important court cases. We’re not attorneys but as we read newspaper articles the “Boise Case” is a ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that basically says homelessness cannot be criminalized. As a result of that ruling many jurisdictions continued the “hammer” approach and simply moved the punishment to fines instead of jail time. The “Grants Pass” ruling (apparently being appealed) effectively shut down that strategy… for now. Read the details below.
If you are aware of additional information you would enjoy seeing listed here, send us a note with a description (and hopefully links)!