Navigation Center
formerly called the Drop-in Resource Center
a place to feel welcome….
Mission… to provide a welcoming community center where low-income and homeless people can find a safe day-time place to be comfortable and find access to food, basic hygiene facilities, interaction, resources, and support services to help them transition toward self-sufficiency at their own pace.
UPDATE: The Clatsop County Strategic Plan (dated December 2020) lists a Drop-In / Navigation Center as a goal. See A Navigation Center within HB 2006 (signed by Governor Brown May 12, 2021) is “‘a low-barrier emergency shelter, as defined in section 9 of this 2021 Act, that is open seven days per week and connects individuals and families with health services, permanent housing and public benefits.” I have a sense, hopefully I’m wrong, that the county is picturing a day-use only facility.